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Worlds best online casino's privacy policy

Worlds-best-online-casinos.com respects each visitor's right for privacy. it is our commitment to assure that the information collected throughout our website will stay confidential and will not be shared or used in any way that you havnt consented to.

We do collect information to help us improve our site for a better user experience, such as IP addresses, page views and other site statistics related information that is kept anonymously. The links to other sites, coming from worlds-best-online-casinos.com are not related to this website, and we take no responsibility for their actions, content and privacy practices. our statement applies only for information which is collected within our website.

We do collect visitor's Email address and other information which is handed to us, and it might be used to help us improve our content and notify our visitors about updates, promotional offers, newsletters and such.

Email addresses collected from newsletter subscribers are not being shared or sold, and is being used strictly for our services. We do not sell, rent, load or trade any of the information which is either collected or given to us.

Our site takes security measurements in order to protect misuse, loss or alteration of the information collected and given to us. the information is being stored on a remote and secured computer and is being monitored.

The privacy policy may be changed without previous notice, for latest updates and changes, we advise you to check our privacy policy page again if needed. For questions about our privacy statement, please contact us at: privacy@worlds-best-online-casinos.com